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Cucina PoveraSlow life is the expression that best represents the way of life salentino, here where the pace of life goes slow and tourists are fascinated by the soft movements of the early morning workers, fishermen, farmers, merchants. The Slow Life of Salento is contagious and it is good for the well-being of the tourist, so as to be included in that set of activities that give life to the “Salentoterapia”. Very different from the “dolce far niente”, this lifestyle also produces efficiency without the need of frenzy, is a sustainable way of living the life that human relationships thrive.

All the local activities, fishing, agriculture, handicraft run with a slow pace and lead to a reflexive attitude. Cornerstone of this “slow” aspect is the food. The concept that, in recent years, has become of international importance, is the Slow Food Presidium, and set in Salento its ideal size. Here, in the daily diet, seasonal products are the masters and are expertly prepared with traditional recipes. Meals, as stated in the gospel of slow, are sacred and need an exclusively dedicated time. The Salento make every effort to devote to meal, the right time to enjoy it quietly, and try to convey this culture to tourists visiting the area.

Slow Food is an international non-profit association committed to restore value to the food, in respect of those who produce, in harmony with environment and ecosystems, thanks to the knowledge of which territories and local traditions are keepers.

The Presidia of Slow Food in Puglia are born with the aim to recover and preserve the small productions of gastronomic excellence threatened by industrial agriculture and environmental degradation. The slow food principals are, as the name suggests, a guarantee for the protection of biodiversity, traditions and territory. Let us recall some products like Capocollo of Martina Franca, the Tomato fiaschetto of Torre Guaceto and the Red Onion of Acquaviva delle Fonti.

Thanks to the project “presidi slow food”, started in Italy in 1998, it was possible to preserve animal species, plant species, cheeses, breads and meats that risked extinction because of farming techniques, food industry and massive type trade.
The quality of a meal starts from the selection of raw materials. Most Salento farms are family run, with manpower that handed down the profession for generations, often using ancient but effective methods of cultivation. For this check and attention to product quality are better, it is also an indication the amount of productions in Salento have conquered the denomination of protected origin (DOP).

Fishing is not far behind. The sea and its fruits were for centuries a source of life on this land and the sea of Salento is rich in many varieties of fish, caught with as many fishing techniques. Trolling from the Amberjack, Snapper to, the Palamite, until the characteristic fishing in the Lampara, methods handed down from father to son, who now are part of popular culture and to which tourists can take part by participating in the Fishing Tourism, organized especially during summer season.

If instead you are curious to attend or participate in the olive harvest or the grape harvest, then the right time to visit the Salento is the period between September and November and the beginning of autumn.
The production of wine and oil are real rituals, involving entire families and increase the value of these strengths, fundamental in the Mediterranean diet, which nature has given to Salento.

To enjoy the taste of the “Salento slow food”, you can not fail by the taste, but above all to cook some typical dishes.

We wait for you in the region that succeeds in combining the passionate rhythms of Taranta, with the slow flow of everyday life.
The Salento Slow Life will assist you to slow the pace of your daily activities!

The mascot: the turtle “BELLU BELLU”

An original multicolored tortoise, which is called “Bellu Bellu”, is the mascot of the whole information campaign linked to “Salento Slow Life”.
For those unfamiliar with the good Salento language: the dialect expression “bellu bellu” is just an incentive, an invitation to go slow, to do and to move quietly. Yet another proof, then, that in this land “slow” is closely tied to “beautiful”.

The slogan becomes even more understandable: Bellu Bellu … and live for a hundred years!

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