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VendemmiaIn September, a beautiful vineyard will open its doors to our guests, for the traditional and much-anticipated annual Harvest. A big party in the country, open to families and fans where everyone will have the opportunity to discover a story that has its roots in the Salento rural culture. Scheduled wine tastings, a traditional lunch and lots of fun.
A few hundred meters from the sea, in a deeply moving scenery and full of history. Behind great wines there is not only the soil, the climate, the grape variety: there is the work and experience of the people, there is a culture, a history and a life that bloom in sensitivity, care and attention, starting right from all the processes in the vineyard.
The Harvest is a great time of sharing, where everyone will find out the hard work of production from which the quality of the final product. A day also designed for families with food, games and music of Salento folk tradition that will be the focus of this fun experience.
All guests will attend the manual harvesting of the grapes and taste the grapes directly from the plant. The wine lovers can listen to the secrets and stories of this ancient ritual, he passed down from father to son, in a festive atmosphere. A privilege of absolute value that this winery offers us to celebrate the time of collection, expected throughout the year.
Lunch with picnic to savor culinary specialties of the Apulian gastronomic tradition.Dancing to the sound of Pizzica, songs and folk games will cheer this intense day in the country.
The Cooking Experience staff will accompany you on this wonderful day during the harvest and its ancient rituals, unique experience to immerse yourself in the traditions of Salento. Not to be missed!
Second Saturday of September. *
* The date for the event will change annually, it will be communicated by the winery according to theweather and the grapes ripen.

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